About Us

Our team

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Senior salesman with 15 years of experience. He knows everything about the products he offers.

Our Story

Our family comes from generations of farmers.

My father raised crops on our family farm while serving as the Assistant Director of Pharmacy at one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world. Throughout his life, he demonstrated the importance of land conservation and instilled in us a reverence for medicine.

Over the past couple of years, we’ve combined our family’s passion of farming and medicine to raise an abundance of beautiful, organically grown hemp. Cannabinoids (CBD) within hemp have incredible healing properties. Our CBD oil has been carefully extracted from our plants and we’ve produced the most amazing CBD products on the market today—View Label Results.

Our farming practices have been recognized by the USDA and we were awarded Conservation Land Owner of the Year for 2020. We are incredibly proud of our farm and the CBD products we produce.

We are transparent. We are trustworthy. We believe Pure Is Kind.

We are delighted you are adding CBD to your wellness routine. Thank you for choosing PureLee Farms.

PureLee Philosophy

Complete Transparency

Need a simple statement about transparency 

Lab Tested Results

We need a statement about testing and a link to the test(s).

The highest quality of products

Why does PureLee have high quality products?